Navigating Uncertainty
Challenges and Experiences of Refugees in Izmir – Insights from Focus Group Discussions (June – November 2024)
This report emerges from a series of focus group discussions conducted between June and November 2024, aimed at understanding the lived experiences of refugees in Izmir. Participants shared their struggles and aspirations, painting a vivid picture of their daily lives marked by resilience, uncertainty, and systemic challenges. The focus groups, held in İzmir city center and surrounding areas, brought together diverse individuals, including women, men, children, and marginalized groups, to ensure a holistic understanding of the refugee experience.
The discussions shed light on key issues including barriers to employment, education, housing, and healthcare, compounded by pervasive discrimination and bureaucratic inefficiencies. They also revealed a recurring theme of psychological and social stress due to prolonged uncertainty about their legal and societal status. These challenges are further exacerbated by societal misconceptions and hate speech, which undermine integration efforts and perpetuate exclusion.
This report organizes the insights from these discussions into key thematic areas, identifying gaps in policy and practice while offering actionable recommendations for stakeholders. It seeks to inform policymakers, NGOs, and community leaders to foster better integration and support systems for refugees, ensuring their basic rights and dignity are upheld.
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